Is your process under-performing? Are your operating costs too high, your throughput too low, your logistics too complex? Let us model your process, rank and prioritize your issues, then gain from the experience of hindsight and implement effective changes to get your process back on track.

Improving an existing process is not straightforward. Generally, you have some ideas where the problems are, but it’s often difficult to rank the issues so that you achieve the expected returns on your investments. It’s all too easy to expend time and effort to resolve one perceived bottleneck only to find that another is constraining your process, leaving you with no net gain.

We can help.

We create a virtual model of your process, capturing its configuration and behavior. We work with your engineers to approve the model, validating that it mimics the behavior and characteristics of your process. By replicating the issues that the real-life process exhibits, you gain confidence that the model can aid your decision-making.

With any real-life, large-scale industrial process, it’s difficult to gain a 30,000 ft view of the whole system in operation; typically, you can only observe one part of it at a time. With a virtual model, you and your engineers can see the whole process at once, and observe how related parts of the process interact, improving understanding. The model acts as a focus for discussion and debate among your team.

Indeed, one of the biggest benefits our approach provides is to bring your team together, and to harness their experience and creativity, to improve the operation of your process.

We add metrics and diagnostics to the model to provide objective measures of performance that you can use to determine where the process is failing to meet its objectives. You can use the model to identify process bottlenecks and inefficiencies, then rank them according to their impact. Once you understand where the problems are, you can focus on designing solutions, then evaluate their effectiveness using the model. Instead of making design decisions based upon the experience and seniority of an idea’s proponents, you can take an egalitarian, apolitical approach that doesn’t pit your team’s members against each other. You can also entertain a number of what-if scenarios that test the robustness of your system to proposed future operations, whether real or imagined.

Quite simply, you gain from the experience of hindsight.

If you are less than satisfied with an existing process, call us now on +1 (313) 451-4001 to arrange a free initial consultation to discuss your requirements.